psTMS is a system that provides remote managing POS terminals and allows updating of configuration and loading terminal software. It receives statistical information and files from POS terminals and may issue commands for remote execution. psTMS provides convenient tools for data editing, including batch changes, data import/export, and various reporting instruments.
psTMS functions
- The user interface is a WEB application to be opened remotely on the client's computer using the most popular Internet browsers.
Access is protected and it is accessible for authorized users only. Secure connection (HTTPS) is used to protect information
UI provides access to multiple screens such as:
- Dashboard with charts, System Status, and license info in the footer.
- Database management
- POS terminal profiles modification
- Review POS initialization progress and history
- Review the user’s actions history
- Managing roles authorities
- Reports
- Routing requests from POS to the required Data Server
- Management back-end Service – provides various administrative operations such as:
- Data Server Management
- Audit log storage
- Reports execution
- Task execution service
- Importer Service – used for
- Creation of data structures from miscellaneous packages, such as database descriptors (own format), Spirepayments XML or packed Hypercom TM Suite database
- The usage of database descriptors allows to change the structure of profile data and/or its visual presentation
- Import of packed data from other vendors is a process, that creates a database and loads terminal profiles and files into it
- Logs Service – used for
- Store POS initialization log
- Store the user's action history
- Creation of data structures from miscellaneous packages, such as database descriptors (own format), Spirepayments XML or packed Hypercom TM Suite database
- Data Server – main storage of POS configuration and files to be sent to the terminal. Each Data Server contains a single POS database and uses its internal storage of files.
psTMS allows the creation of a virtually unlimited number of Data Servers. Only client hardware can limit the number of servers. Each Data Server should be connected to its database when used in production or will keep all data in the local Java database when used for demo/development purposes.
- the back-end for UI operations for the management of the terminal’s profiles
- back-end operations for downloading applications and configuration data into POS terminals